A transaction processing system for CMS & TSO

The 251 project


The 251 project was a demonstration of over 250 TSO sessions running KICKS workloads on the legacy MVS "turnkey" system under Hercules. Sub-second average response time was achieved accessing shared vsam files. Here are the response time stats for that run, and here is an MF1 report showing system load during the run.


KooKbooK recipes 6 - 10 document that effort.



Recipe #6 - The 251 project – Scripting 3270 apps with open source tools ( I )
Fire up TSO in a script !


Recipe #7 - The 251 project – Scripting 3270 apps with open source tools ( II )
Running multiple TSO sessions at the same time


Recipe #8 - The 251 project – Resource Definition ( I )
Hercules, MVS, TSO, & VTAM resource definitions we know (guess?) we’ll need


Recipe #9 - The 251 project – Resource Definition ( II )
Page/Swap, VTAM buffers, and Common storage


Recipe #10 - The 251 project – Workload & Final Project Wrap Up
Define & Implement the Workload part of the script

Copyright © Mike Noel, 2008-2015; last updated 1/19/2015