A transaction processing system for CMS & TSO



You can reach us by


m i k e n o e l 1 3 7 @ g m a i l . c o m      (that's an L, then a one)


P. O.  B o x  3 2 7 2 1   J u n e a u ,   A l a s k a ,   9 9 8 0 3

  Ship to Juneau with USPS first class or priority mail (2-3 days). More expensive USPS express mail rarely beats priority mail. Fedex and UPS also serve Juneau but their service is very expensive and no faster or otherwise better than USPS priority mail.

Fedex ground, UPS ground and USPS parcel post should never be used as they can take 2-3 weeks - or more!

Monetary Transactions: Commerce is conducted in USD. All pricing and quotes reflect a 5% cash discount. Personal or company checks are accepted as cash subject to collection. Electronic payments may also be accepted but do not qualify for the cash discount.


Copyright © Mike Noel, 2008-2015; last updated 8/3/2015