transaction processing system for
What's New? - 2013
End of September, October, November, December 2013
- Not productive months for KICKS...
End of June, July, August 2013
- Attended VMworkshop2013 in Indianapolis and gave a KICKS
presentation. My presentation slides are available at and in the "Files" area of the
yahoo KICKS forum.
- At the conference I confirmed that, though VSE/VSAM is no longer
available (as a separate product), VSAM can be installed in the latest versions of z/VM
if the full z/VSE (still available, even supported!) is installed.
- Posted MS Excel version of "PDS Magician" with some fixes and recursive
expansion of embedded XMI's.
End of March, April, May 2013
- Integrated X'58' and MECAFF drivers for KICKS for CMS in
End of February 2013
Posted experimental KICKS driver for Bob Polmanter's X'58' full screen
mod for vm/370.
End of January 2013
Not productive month for KICKS...
Copyright © Mike Noel, 2008-2017;
last updated 3/18/2017.